Why you need to look out of the window

So I’m on this flight from London to Tel Aviv. It’s a budget affair and frankly I don’t think I’m the only one whose adrenaline levels have gone through the roof in the fight to get on the plane, squeeze my somewhat oversized ‘hand luggage’ into the overhead locker and bag a coveted window seat.

As soon as the stewardess gives us the required permission, everyone unfolds ipads/laptops and plugs in ear phones, killing time til we touch down. I’m one of them. I’m looking at the clock and wondering how many episodes of Sherlock I can squeeze in before we actually reach Ben Gurion.

At some point over Turkey – and a good 4.5 hours into the flight – I look out of the window for, I think, the first time since take off. This is what I see…

1. The one that looks like snowy mountains

2. The one that looks like dinosaurs

3. The one that looks like a flying saucer

4. The one of the sunset

We were flying! Like, ABOVE THE CLOUDS!!

Is this not frickin’ incredible to us anymore? What’s WRONG with us?!

That is all.

8 thoughts on “Why you need to look out of the window

  1. Cool photos. I love staring at the clouds from above them.. or next to them.. They can be so amazing up from that perspective!

      1. It is pretty hilarious! I actually caught myself complaining that we had to wait in the runway for “TEN MINUTES!” Granted, I had flown from Romania to Poland to Chicago and was tired, but still. LOL

  2. Great photos, I love looking out of the window on flights over my kids’ heads. The view definitely is still incredible to them.

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